Whether on the table or on the Thai mat, each bodywork session is unique and draws from many modalities fluidly as needed, like moves in a dance. Thai yoga, deep tissue, myofascial release and repatterning, sports techniques, joint mobilization, neuromuscular and trigger point therapy are some of the tools in my toolbox…
Deep Tissue and Myofascial
Muscle imbalances arise in opposing muscle pairs (for example biceps and triceps) when one of those muscles is stronger or shorter than the other. Often the opposing muscle becomes weak, inhibited, and painful. In addition, these imbalances increase the potential for injury due to lack of stability across the corresponding joint.
These sorts of muscle imbalances are extremely common in anyone living in modern ages, due to constant use of tools that we didn’t evolve with.
Deep tissue and myofascial techniques work hand-in-hand to help lengthen and release muscles that have become short and tight, as well as shorten and activate the opposing muscle which may have become weak and inhibited. This technique combined with targeted stretching, strengthening and education will improve muscle balance and reduce pain.
Sports and Joint Mobilization
Whether a casual player, a weekend warrior or a competitive athlete, many players are working towards self-improvement and their personal best. I challenge myself constantly on the bike trails. Optimum performance involves a perfect harmony of balance in the drive-chain of all the muscles used to compete. For example, a cyclist uses calves, quads and hamstrings as they grind up that 2,000' climb in Evergreen. What happens if the calves burn out before the hammies or quads? That means you've got legs left that you can't use, and your performance needs optimization.
Sports massage techniques work on targeting balance in the entire drive-chain for your sport, allowing more efficiency and proper sharing of the load between all the muscles involved. Good increase in muscle balance should show tangible, verifiable improvement in performance.
Neuromuscular and Trigger Point
Muscles and nerves live together in very close quarters. Clearly nerves act on muscles, and cause them to flex. However muscles can also act on nerves, causing very interesting effects. Muscle tension or injury near or around a nerve bundle can cause a variety of symptoms to other parts of the body including pain, tingling, hot/cold sensations and more. Since your nervous system travels your entire body, these "referral pattern" sensations can show up in parts of your body far from the actual muscle/nerve interaction. These muscle/nerve interaction points are called "trigger points".
For example, a trigger point located in the muscles of your neck can cause a constant tingling or pain in your back or arm. This is called "referred pain."
Neuromusclar sessions involve seeking the trigger points causing referred pain, and treating them with local pressure. NMT work can cause long lasting or permanent relief to referred pain caused by trigger points.